ERA mobile application helps bring employed communities closer, designed to facilitate a better workplace experience. Users can use this app to manage their career growth, connect with others and have accessibility to important information, right at their fingertips. The seamless web and app is designed to give users the experience of a modern & connected professional community.
- Career Profile
ERA welcomes user to personalize their profile by sharing their previous achievements & skillsets, open to be endorsed by ERA users. Automated Integration suggests relevant people to you, enabling a collaborative community of professionals to exchange knowledge and services.
- Job Application
The modern job application experience provides you real time updates on new job postings for your ease of application, based on your interest.
- Skills Endorsement
Get endorsed for your skills from your network. Each endorsement is a testament to your capabilities and a catalyst towards career progression. As an ERA member, you can always start endorsing first!
- Build Relationships
ERA makes it easy to connect with new acquaintances and professional networks. It’s all about empowering you to grow for the community.
- Express your feelings
ERA makes it easy for the users to share their feelings anytime and anywhere, much like your best friend. Frustrated with bosses? Let us know!
- Salary Countdown
With this information ready, users benefit from better spending plan, months ahead! The better you budget, the bigger your smile.
NOTE: For ERA users, please use the login information provided by your organization. Should you encounter any issues, kindly consult with your company IT department or lodge a response in the download feedback section.
As for now, ERA App version 1.11.4 will only support up to android 10. Future implementations will include support for Android 11.